Exploring the Magnificence of the Grassland and Perceiving the National Culture-The Quarter II Team Building of Ronly Tenwen through A Cultural Tour to Inner Mongolia




     In colorful May, summer is getting closer and closer, making it a good time to go outdoors. On May 31st, more than 70 lawyers of the firm embarked on a journey to Inner Mongolia, which marked the start of a Quarter-II 5-day team building of 2023.

 In this trip to Inner Mongolia, we passed through Xilamuren, Chilechuan Double Grassland, Yinken Xiangshawan, and Dazhao Temple. Along the way, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery, the local customs and life style, and relaxed our body and mind to feel life.

微信截图_20230605142651.png      Xilamuren means “yellow river” in Mongolian. It is 100 kilometers north of Hohhot, and is the nearest grassland in Inner Mongolia. The was also our first stop.


      The place was characterized by a large temperature difference between morning and evening. Therefore, there was a saying that,  “people wear a padded jacket in the morning and gauze clothes in the afternoon, and eat watermelon by the stove”. In June, the grassland was like a golden carpet, with endless intoxicating scenery. Here, Mongolian yurt, Oboo, big cattle, horses, sheep were like stars dotted the thousands of miles of grassland. Beneath the blue sky and snow-white clouds, we rode horses, accompanied by the cool wind, high-pitched songs and the fragrance of grass... Our heart was comfortable and calm.


      Through the ages, many nomadic tribes had been galloping and shooting on the Xilamuren grassland. These agile and brave ethnic groups were born riding on horse backs, and had accompanied shocking historical scenes. In the afternoon, we watched the large outdoor melodrama The Legend of Mo Nan. In just 40 minutes, it reproduced the heroic picture of the Mongolian nation growing on the grassland in the era of Genghis Khan, galloping across the battlefield and making the great achievements.


      Our second stop was Xiangshawan, a famous natural scenic area located in Alashan League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. There are many precious plants and animals, including grassland flowers and wild animals unique to Inner Mongolia, such as wild horses, bison, sand chickens, etc. In addition, Xiangshawan is also an important bird watching place, where a large number of birds migrate here every year.


      Facing a large river and backed by the desert, the sand there produces a powerful and wonderful sound as long as there is external force. When people are walking, such sound is produced; when they stop walking, the sound also disappeared. There, we rode cable cars, camels, surfing bikes, and went sand skiing down the mountain for an exciting desert adventure.


      Among all the ways of eating sheep in Inner Mongolia, roasting a whole sheep from head to tail is the most ritual and only for welcoming the most important guests. On the next night, the law firm also prepared roasted whole sheep, which gave us a full sense of ritual!


      The third stop was Chilechuan Hasuhai Tourist Area. Hasuhai means black lake in Mongolian. Bordering by the Yellow River to the south and Daqing Mountain to the north, it has a water area of 30 square kilometers. Hasuhai is beautiful, with sparkling waves and chirping water birds. During the tour, we were relaxed and delighted by this important wetland, where the water was surrounded by the Yinshan Mountains and the mountains were reflected the water. With overgrown reeds and abundant fish, the landscape of the lake was just amazing.

      The Princess Mansion was built after the marriage of Princess Heshuo Kejing, the sixth daughter of Emperor Kangxi. Built in the 44th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1705). It is the only well-preserved Qing Dynasty princess mansion in China. The original appearance of the Princess Mansion truly reflects the construction engineering technology, living standards, ethnic customs, culture and art in the early Qing Dynasty. It is also a historical witness of the people of all ethnic groups working together to achieve development and prosperity at the frontier. As we walked into the Princess Mansion, we seemed to see the epitome of the history of Hohhot City. A small courtyard could silently tell many interesting stories, making us cannot help being amazed by these ancient buildings.


     Dazhao Temple was our last stop. It is located in Saihan District, Hohhot City, the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. It is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery with a long history and profound cultural heritage.

     Covering a vast area, Dazhao Temple has a unique architectural style, and is highly visited by pilgrims. It is an important religious place and tourist attraction in Inner Mongolia. The temple houses a large number of Buddha statues, scriptures, magical instruments and other cultural relics and historical sites, such as the golden Buddha, silver Buddha, bronze bell, etc. in the main hall, as well as the Tibetan Buddhist classics Vajra Sutra, Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra, etc. These are important parts of the cultural heritage of Inner Mongolia.

     In addition to viewing the cultural relics and historical sites in the temple, we also visited and prayed in the temple to feel the religious atmosphere and cultural heritage of Tibetan Buddhism. We also appreciated the natural scenery and cultural landscape of Inner Mongolia though many other beautiful attractions around the Dazhao Temple, such as Saihan Park and Inner Mongolia Museum.


      In the five-day journey, we felt every scenery with great excitement, enjoyed the baptism by nature, and completely released our pressure amidst the beauty before us. We are full of expectations for the future and the gratitude for the present. While carefully reviewing this trip, we are also about to start preparing for a new round of work. We believe each of us will devote more energy and enthusiasm to the work.