The establishment of the Committee of the General Party Branch of Shanghai Ronly & Tenwen Partners and Its Election Meeting



     On January 13, 2024, a Party member meeting was held by the Committee of the General Party Branch of Shanghai Ronly & Tenwen Partners at the office of the General Office located in Shanghai Jinmao Tower. At the conference, the update of the Party branch of Shanghai Ronly & Tenwen Partners into the General Party Branch was announced, followed by the election of the members of the its committee.

      The meeting kicked off during the national anthem. All the Party members present attended the meeting on the spot. Attended by more than four-fifths of the total 65 party members were present, the meeting was valid. At the meeting, in accordance with the Party Constitution, the candidates and preparative members of the Committee of the General Party Branch were selected based on the principles of universal multiple candidates and secret ballot after they were publicized to party members and the masses and approved by Party committee of the law industry. Finally, Zhou Kehui, Sun Lijun, Wang Sinan, Ying Hongmin, Ma Yuntao, Pan Yuhong, and Qiu Yingchun were elected as members of the Committee of the General Party Branch of Shanghai Ronly & Tenwen Partners. Later, the first committee meeting was held, at which Zhou Kehui and Sun Lijun were elected as the secretary and deputy secretary of the committee of the General Party Branch, respectively. The meeting came to an end during The Internationale. Today, the Party Committee of the Law Industry of Minhang District, Shanghai issued a unanimous approval decision on the election results.

           Shanghai Ronly & Tenwen Partners was formed by the merger of Shanghai Ronly Law Firm and Shanghai Tenwen Shidai Law Firm in December 2018. This year marks the 20th anniversary of its establishment and the 5th anniversary of the merger. Today, the company is witnessing rapid development. Following the development of the law firm, the Party branch of Shanghai Ronly Law Firm has also developed into the Party branch of the Shanghai Ronly Tenwen Partners, with the number of Party members increased from more than 20 at the time of the merger to more than 60 today, which qualifies the update into the General Party Branch.

Lawyers are an important force in promoting the comprehensive law-based governance and Chinese-style modernization, assuming important responsibilities in the building of rule of law in China. With the establishment of the General Party Branch of Ronly & Tenwen Partners, all Party member lawyers will always aim at “being good lawyers for the Party and the people“, firmly support the establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, resolutely uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership with practical actions. While delivering legal services, all Party member lawyers will also play a leading role in Party building, provide high-quality legal services to the society, and contributing to the building of rule of law in China.