Wang Zhiyong

Wang Zhiyong

Senior partner

Educational background:

Bachelor of Law, Inner Mongolia University

Master of Law, East China University of Political Science and Law

Work experience:

Wang Zhiyong has nearly 30 years of work experience in the legal industry, and has been practicing as a lawyer in Shanghai Hairuo Law Firm since 2008. In 2014, he participated in the establishment of Shanghai Ronly Law Firm as a senior partner, and is now the chairman of the supervisory board of the law firm.

Field of expertise:

In the long-term judicial and lawyer practice, he has accumulated rich experience in legal risk prevention and dispute settlement, and obtained solid legal knowledge and high practicing professionalism, with focuses on construction projects, investment mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, commercial disputes and other business fields. He has provided high-quality, efficient and value-added legal services to large enterprises and customers such as China Construction First Corporation Limited, Centaline Real Estate, China 20MCC Group, and Ordos State Investment.

Working principles:

Be honest, trustworthy, rigorous and professional, and abide by principles.

Life motto:

The meaning of life is not to achieve perfection, but the process of seeking it.